Orbita’s Launch is Postponed ⚠️

Here is an update on Orbita Kickstarter campaign! ⚠️
You may have heard about the so-called global chip crisis (Bloomberg, BBC News, CNBC, Freight Waves). Basically, a number of factors came together to shorten the supply of the most universally used silicon chips employed in almost all electronics – including our music gadgets.
As a result, we’ve decided not to rush the launch of Orbita and to not mislead your expectations. We now aim to launch the crowdfunding campaign in September.
In the meantime, Plan B and Plan C are in motion. We’re looking for a reliable supplier and an alternative electronic solution for Orbita. We’ll continue polishing the design and focusing on the software aspect of playing music with colour.
TouchMe and Playtron
We have two musical gadgets already in the market – TouchMe and Playtron – they let you play music on anything that conducts electricity. Of course, they too use the notorious electronic chips that are so hot in demand right now!
Luckily, we stocked up. But the thing is, we don’t know when we will be able to produce another batch. So, that’s a very early heads-up for the Christmas season for ya 😉.

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